Meet the Team
Unveiling the Brilliant Minds and Creative Geniuses Who Drive the Vision and Success of Alliance of Computer Science Students - UPLB
Executive Team
The Executive Team comprises the Head Developers who serve as the highest governing team of the organization. Headed by the Executive Head Developer, the team serves as the role models of the organization. Furthermore, they are responsible for facilitating events, meetings, and other gatherings, as well as identifying and handling cases that require immediate action concerning the organization.
Logistics and Public Affairs Team
The Logistics and Public Affairs team is responsible for handling the non-monetary assets of the organization. They also represent the organization in external affairs as well as maintain our relationships with companies, sponsors, and other organizations.
Academic Affairs Team
The Academic Affairs Team is dedicated to fostering a culture of learning, innovation, and growth among members of the organization. They oversee academic development, provide valuable educational resources and activities, and monitor the organization's development projects.
Records and Documentation Team
The Academic Affairs Team is dedicated to fostering a culture of learning, innovation, and growth among members of the organization. They oversee academic development, provide valuable educational resources and activities, and monitor the organization's development projects.
Finance and Management Team
The Finance and Management Team's main responsibility is to handle to organization's monetary assets. They are also the ones mainly in charge of Fundraising Activities (FRAs). These help make the organization's events and other needs come to fruition. With this, when an event or activity needs funding, it is up to this team to approve and oversee every bit spent.
Membership and Internal Affairs Team
The Membership and Internal Affairs Team bears the responsibility of safeguarding the organizational health and ensuring its overall well-being. Additionally, the team is entrusted with managing the recruitment process and diligently monitoring the condition and performance of developers within the organization.
Media and Publicity Team
The Membership and Internal Affairs Team bears the responsibility of safeguarding the organizational health and ensuring its overall well-being. Additionally, the team is entrusted with managing the recruitment process and diligently monitoring the condition and performance of developers within the organization.
Member Roster
Y.B. 13
Y.B. 12.2
Y.B. 12.1